Saturday, Nov. 18

I can decide if today was was a disaster or not. I managed to loose 200 calories by excercise 27 minutes on the gazelle. I started off with a bowl of cheerios and a glass of apple cider with benefiber and an actual apple, then had panera bread's (shitty shitty service. They left the cheese on my salad and made my green tea on ice for lunch/dinner. I had to bitch at them, but they were a little slow, if not apologetic in fixing it. They were busy, but I work retail and know how to do things right, even when you're busy.) french onion soup and fandago, which was delicious. I also had a peppermint tea and a vanilla caramel, which made me feel super shitty and I totally regret it. Then I came home after work (1 to 10:30 ugh) and had like, a third of a loaf of rye bread and lipton's french onion dip, was such a fucking mistake and I really regret it. On the plus side, all that bread bumped my fiber intake today to 18 grams, which is better than yesterday, even if it is for the wrong reasons.

Current Weight: 160

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