Monday, Nov. 20

Not bad today, I did cardio for 20 minutes today (would have done more, but I had an appt. to get to.) Glass of orange juice and bowl of cheerios with vanilla soy milk with benefiber, and a small cappucino with a shot of chocolate (no whip!) after the appt. For lunch/dinner a quizno's regular turkey guacamole sub on wheat with honey mustard. Unfortunately they are apparently notorious among dieters and the food concious for not releasing their nutrition data on their webpage. I found the info for their Austrailian branch but they didn't list the fiber content. I won't be going there anymore, consequently.

In other news, I feel really bashful about this, but I had misread the serving size on my benefiber, appparently the serving is 2 TEASPOONS not 2 TABLESPOONS. I'm loath to go back and re-calculate, but on the other hand, I have been feeling pretty good, so I thinik from now I'll just start reading labels even more carefully.

Current Weigh: 158

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